Taxation Fees & Penalty
Taxation for Challenge Rejected (TCR)
5% of total Challenge Deposit
If the challenger failed to meet the total Challenge Deposit and Challenge Stage is expired. The total Challenge Deposit will be returned with deduction of TCR.
Taxation for Self Reveal (TSR)
2.5% of total ATO Prize
The Creator decided to solve the puzzle and proceed to the next puzzle. The total prize distributed to the Creator will be deducted with TSR.
Taxation for Puzzle Solved (TPS)
5% of total ATO Prize
The Player who solved the puzzle will get to claim the ATO and deducted with TPS.
Taxation for Challenge Accepted (TCA)
5% of total Claimed ATO (Prize + Challenge Deposit)
The Challenger will receive ATO from the Prize and Challenge Deposit with the deduction of TCA.
Last updated